The BC Conservatives will have Pete Davis as a candidate in Kootenay East in the upcoming provincial election.
Davis said his goal was to get into federal politics, but a chance to get in at the provincial level presented itself to him.
“There’s a lot of issues that need to be addressed in our province,” said Davis. “I was planning on doing a federal run in the future, but when this opportunity came up with the Conservative Party of B.C., I decided it was time for me to jump in.”
Davis said the economy is one of his top priorities.
“I think affordability is huge to everybody right now,” said Davis.
“It’s tough to pay your bills and have some extra money in your pocket at the end of the day. The current government that we have just continues to tax and tax and tax.”
Davis hopes his party can cause a shift in the legislature in the upcoming election.
“People should vote for me if they’re ready for change. They’re ready for something different,” said Davis. “It’s time for a new approach and I’m excited to be that other option.”
The provincial election will go ahead this October.
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