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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsPublic hearing set for proposed Cranbrook OCP amendment

Public hearing set for proposed Cranbrook OCP amendment

A public hearing for OCP and zoning amendments that would enable the construction of a seniors housing complex has been set for June 10.

The proposed development is a senior-specific 49-unit multi-family building.

“The property location is on the corner of Victoria Avenue and 8th Street North, adjacent to the Hot Shots cafe,” said community planner Santana Patten.

For the development to go ahead Cranbrook council needs to approve an OCP and zoning amendment to change the land from highway commercial to high-density residential.

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Staff said the increase in density may have an impact on the surrounding area, but the location lends itself well to this type of development.

Patten said they haven’t gotten any negative responses yet.

“We have not received any public comments from the adjacent property owners or affected consulted parties,” she said.

The public hearing is set for 6 p.m. on June 10 in council chambers.

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