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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook Mayor hopes letter will draw provincial attention to local homelessness

Cranbrook Mayor hopes letter will draw provincial attention to local homelessness

Mayor Wayne Price hopes the city’s letter to the B.C. Government will draw more provincial attention to Cranbrook’s homelessness issues.

Price said the city is looking for financial assistance to offset the costs of supporting and dealing with Cranbrook’s unhoused residents.

“We’re not the only community. I think there’s a number of other communities that are also looking at some kind of cost recovery,” said Price.

Mayor Price said the province needs to consider Cranbrook’s place in the region when the B.C. Government doles out support.

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“Places like Prince George and Cranbrook are not big municipalities, but we’re a regional centre,” said Price.

“People with mental health issues, drug issues and housing issues are all coming to Cranbrook because we have resources here.”

Previously, Cranbrook City Council has asked for and received support from the Regional District of East Kootenay, as many unhoused people in Cranbrook are locals or neighbouring communities, such as Kimberley, Fernie or Creston.

“It’s really a regional problem. and what it has meant for Cranbrook is almost $350,000 last year,” said Price.

“That would have been right around one per cent of our tax levy.”

The province has not sent an official response yet, but Price remains optimistic.

“I’m hopeful that CAO Mark Fercho and I can get down to Victoria and have a conversation with the Minister,” said Price. “If it’s not some kind of cost recovery, we need to look at some sort of funding model because we’re not the only ones in this situation.”

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