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Active transportation plan approved by city

Cranbrook’s active transportation plan gets the green light, with city council staff directed to implement the recommendations..

“This has been a project that we’ve been working on since this time last year,” said community planner Santana Patten.

“The plan uses a Cranbrook-specific lens that outlines existing and proposed cycling, micro-mobility and multiuse routes and guides where and how Cranbrook can develop its active transportation infrastructure throughout the city.”

It includes a long list of priority projects for the city to look at implementing, such as new bike lanes, curb extensions or multi-use pathways.

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Even though the plan has been approved by council, they aren’t bound by the document.

Each item would be up for budget approval by council on a project-by-project basis.

The plan was passed in a 5-2 vote. Councillor Wes Graham voted against it and believes the cost and scale of the projects aren’t realistic for Cranbrook.

“I think we need to look at what’s functional versus what’s unrealistic because you start seeing some communities removing some of their bike lanes because they don’t work and need to go back to a more functional model,” he added.

“I don’t want to be involved in that.”

City staff have been directed to look for grant funding to support the recommended projects.

The full active transportation plan can be found below.

MORE: Active Transportation Plan (City of Cranbrook)

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