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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsNew curbside garbage carts arriving in Cranbrook

New curbside garbage carts arriving in Cranbrook

Cranbrook residents are getting new garbage bins delivered, as the city moves to an automated collection service.

One 240-litre wheeled garbage cart will be dropped off at each residential household with an information guide by May 24.

Automated collection begins on June 3 and residents are asked to avoid using the new bins until then.

“We’re so excited about this new service, and we’re really happy that some of our residents are already using the carts for their garbage,” said Chris Zettel, Cranbrook’s corporate communications officer.

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“However, we aren’t quite ready to start collecting your garbage from the new carts. We’ll start collecting your curbside bins after June 3. So, until then, please continue leaving your garbage out as you always have, in your usual garbage cans, in their usual locations.”

After June 3, any garbage out for collection must be in the new bins and placed at the curb. Additional garbage won’t be collected.

If you haven’t received a new bin by May 27 you’re asked to contact the city.

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