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Cranbrook ready to launch e-scooter program

Cranbrook will soon have another transportation option set to launch later this summer.

City officials said they have partnered with Bird Canada to bring almost 100 e-scooters to the community.

“Bird Canada is a Canadian-owned and operated company that offers Canadians, and visitors to Canada, a new way to avoid congestion and get around that is sustainable and uses the most innovative last-mile mobility solutions for urban areas,” said city officials.

The first year of this pilot program is expected to run from June until mid-November.

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City staff said the scooters will be available 24/7 for $1 plus 35 cents per minute, with monthly subscriptions and daily, weekly, or monthly ride passes available alongside a low-income pricing program.

There have also been safety considerations as well, including measures to deter intoxicated riders, a maximum speed of 24 km/hour and a 16+ age limit.

There is still more planning work ahead before the scooters get rolling.

“There will be public safety and route planning required along with coordinating appropriate parking areas, identifying slow and no-ride zones, and making changes to some of our bylaws before this new e-scooter service can get off the ground,” said Katelyn Pocha, Project Manager.

“We will be working closely with the contractor on many of these important items, with Bird Canada overseeing recruitment of local staff to work on the e-scooters as needed and to do spot checks to make sure these scooters are being used appropriately and safely.”

City officials said pedestrian safety is also a big consideration in their planning efforts, such as sidewalk detection to warn users if they are not using the sidewalk properly.

Scooters will also have a warning sound to let pedestrians know the rider is coming.

“This is an exciting step forward in advancing active transportation in Cranbrook,” says Kristy Jahn-Smith, Executive Director of Cranbrook Tourism.

“Being able to conveniently use scooters to commute short distances in the city will be of benefit to residents and visitors. We are excited to see this new amenity available in Cranbrook.”

The e-scooter program is part of a provincial pilot project meant to expand active transportation options and will not have budget implications for the municipality.

“City Council are very excited to be considered for this pilot program for Cranbrook, that has proven to be successful in other areas,” says Mayor Wayne Price.

“I would like to thank Councillor Graham for championing this initiative around the Council table.”

More information will come as the city comes closer to the scooter program’s launch.

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