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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook boasts over $38 million in construction value in 2023

Cranbrook boasts over $38 million in construction value in 2023

The City of Cranbrook is boasting a busy year in construction, with over $38.4 million in building permit value invested into the community throughout 2023.

City officials said this comes from the 198 building permits that were issued last year.

The city processed a higher number of permits later in the third and fourth quarters. You can see a full breakdown at the bottom of this article.

“Based on the number of subdivision approval applications we received in 2023, I am optimistic that we will see an increase in housing development,” said Mayor Wayne Price. “We should also see a number of high-density residential projects, which are now in the permit stages, commence this building season.”

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City officials said 21 single-family dwellings and 8 mobile home placements were reported throughout the year, adding to Cranbrook’s housing supply.

Several of the year’s biggest projects can be found below:

  • Superstore interior alterations – $800,000.00
  • Substantial renovation at 32 – 9th Avenue South to accommodate the future Ktunaxa Nation Council Health Centre – $2.57 million.
  • New odour control building serving Shadow Mountain Sewer line extension – $1.58 million.
  • 6th Street North Plaza (beside 7-Eleven) for future relocation of Symmetry Dental – $1.3 million
  • Demolition and new construction of a two-story infill unit including façade upgrades to the furniture store along Baker Street – $1.2 million.
  • 3 City of Cranbrook permits: Elizabeth Lake Viewing Platform; Elizabeth Lake Picnic Shelter; and the replacement of the Balment Stairs.
  • Renovation of the former Harley Davidson Dealership for the new CENTEX gas and convenience store on Cranbrook Street – $800,000.
  • Bank of Montreal modernization renovation – $1.8 million.
  • An Overflow Shop serving the Nissan dealership for a value of $845,000.
  • Staff area renovation for the ER department at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital – $455,000.
  • A building permit for the roof system upgrades to the Memorial Arena – about $2.9 million.

“We are excited to see the continued investment in residential housing, commercial, and industrial properties throughout the City. Our building and business community deserve a lot of credit,” says Mike Matjeka, Director of Engineering and Development Services. “2024 is shaping up to see continued growth, with the City placing a strong focus on adding to the housing inventory with the potential creation of over 150 new lots as well as two new apartment buildings looking to break ground with an additional 146 units.”

Cranbrook’s 2023 quarterly building permit breakdown:

  • First quarter (Jan. to Mar.) – 47 permits for a construction value of $7.3 million.
  • Second quarter (April to June) – 46 permits for a construction value of $11.1 million.
  • Third quarter (July to Sept.) – 53 permits for a construction value of $11 million.
  • Fourth quarter (Oct. to Dec.) – 52 permits for a construction value of $9 million.
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