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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsRDEK to Open New Recycling Depot in Cranbrook

RDEK to Open New Recycling Depot in Cranbrook

The Regional District of East Kootenay will open a Recycle BC Depot within Cranbrook’s Transfer station.

The new facility is scheduled to open at 8:30 on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, and will be fully staffed to help provide information on the new system.

The RDEK said the new depot will accept Styrofoam, #7 plastics, milk cartons, aerosol cans, zippered bags such as pet food and Ziploc bags, among other recyclables.

The RDEK said that the Recycle BC Depot will accept over 76 items. Cranbrook’s Transfer station is also home to the Household Hazardous Waste Depot, which accepts several different items, including oil, antifreeze and mercury.

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Recycle BC pays the RDEK for every tonne of recyclable material collected at its recycling depots.

“Not only are residents able to recycle more, the more recycling we can direct into the Recycle BC Depots, but the more taxpayer dollars will be saved,” said Kevin Paterson, Environmental Services Manager.

In contrast, the RDEK said the yellow bin program is funded through taxes and costs it for every tonne collected.

In addition to the new depot, the yellow bin system will remain in place, but only accepts paper, cardboard, aluminum/tin cans, plastic bags, and #1 to #6 plastics.

The RDEK says it’s important to remember that the Recycle BC station is separate from the yellow bin system, as they accept different items.

Currently, Recycle BC Depots are operating in Kimberley’s Transfer station and the Columbia Valley Landfill. The RDEK said it hopes to open more locations in the Elk Valley in early 2020.

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