Kimberley’s Keiran Stephan won two Highland Games pipe drumming competitions in Alberta.
“It was about two weeks ago and it was in Red Deer and Edmonton,” he said.
In Edmonton, he took first place in the MSR and 2/4 March and won the Grade 3 side drumming MSR and got second in the 6/8 March in Red Deer.
Keiran explains how the judging works.
“I have a certain set of tunes that I have to select from and then how it works is that I have to grab a piper,” he added.
“How the competition works is that me and the piper would practice up and get ready and then go over to this tent where there will be an adjudicator.”
He said there are five levels in pipe drumming.
“There are five levels ranging from Grade 5 to Grade 1, Grade 1 being the best and Grade 5 being the lowest.”
He is a member of the Kimberley Pipe Band as well as the Grade II Rocky Mountain Pipe Band out of Calgary.
He will also be taking part in the Julyfest parade this weekend.
Below is Dennis Walker’s full interview with Stephan.