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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsMinistry of Environment says Jaffray water meets drinking standards after diesel spill

Ministry of Environment says Jaffray water meets drinking standards after diesel spill

Jaffray’s water is still safe to drink after 12,000 litres of diesel fuel spilled in the community just over a month ago.

That’s according to water sample tests from the Ministry of Environment collected on Feb. 28 and Mar 2.

“The results from February 28 were within freshwater and drinking water standards. Some results from March 2 were above freshwater and drinking water standards,” said the Ministry of Environment. “The results from the residential drinking water samples were received. Hydrocarbon-related substances were below the laboratory detection limits.”

Officials added that these results are expected to hold true as the weather warms up.

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The test samples were collected from the recovery trench, where workers continue to collect diesel and water seepage.

Soil samples collected from a pair of monitoring wells have also been sent in for analysis, showing minimal contaminants.

“Partial results of the previous soil sampling were received. Hydrocarbon-related substances were below the laboratory detection limits,” said the Ministry of Environment.

The Ministry said the final monitoring well has been set up and work to build a water treatment system is still ongoing.

More: Clean-up and testing continue after Jaffray fuel spill (Mar 3, 2023)

More: Jaffray fuel spill leads to precautionary water quality advisory (Feb 15, 2023)

More: Investigation into impacts of Jaffray fuel spill continues (Feb 14, 2023)

Previous: Ministry of Environment looking into Jaffray fuel spill (Feb 13, 2023)

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