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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsInterior Health issues toxic drug alert for Cranbrook

Interior Health issues toxic drug alert for Cranbrook

Interior Health has sent out a toxic drug alert for Cranbrook following increased reports of poisonings.

IH officials said the substances look like white powder or red/pink rock that is being sold as down, heroin or fentanyl.

The drugs are known to contain methamphetamine, an unknown fentanyl analogue, benzodiazepines and/or xylazine.

The drug alert is in place until Saturday, Feb. 18th.

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IH encourages people who use drugs to get their substances tested, a service offered locally by ANKORS.

“Only drug checking can tell you if there are contaminants in your drugs,” said IH officials.

The health authority emphasized the importance of carrying a naloxone kit and knowing how to use it, downloading the LifeGuard app, and avoiding using substances alone.

More details can be found below.

More: Cranbrook drug alert poster (Interior Health)

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