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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsElkford Fire Rescue deals with late night rollover

Elkford Fire Rescue deals with late night rollover

Elkford firefighters were busy on Wednesday night attending the scene of a vehicle rollover near Chimo Crescent and Cassiar Drive.

There was one person in the vehicle and they were able to get themselves out of the car once crews were on the scene to stabilize the vehicle.

The driver was transferred to the local hospital.

In total, eight firefighters responded to the accident.

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Once firefighters determined the driver was the only one in the vehicle the scene was turned over to the Elk Valley RCMP to investigate.

“The Elkford Fire Department wishes to thank the alert citizens who contacted 9-1-1 about this incident, and we commend them for taking swift action to call this in,” said Elkford’s Acting Fire Chief, Enzo Calla in a release.

“We also extend our thanks to the BC Ambulance Service and Elk Valley RCMP for their rapid response time.”

Due to the late time of night, the vehicle was left in place overnight and was recovered in daylight hours.

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