The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) will keep its Board Chair and Vice Chair after the first official meeting following the local election.
RDEK officials said Electoral Area C director Rob Gay will keep his seat after he won by acclimation.
This will be his 12th year as the board chair.
“I am honoured to have been re-elected as Chair and look forward to working with the Board and staff as we continue to move this region forward,” says Gay.
“With over 50% of the Directors around the table being newly elected or appointed, this is an exciting time for our Board. Watching us come together as a group and seeing the mentorship, support and learning from one another that is already happening speaks volumes about what we will be able to collectively achieve over the coming term.”
Director Gay has been on the board since 2005, and RDEK officials note he is the longest-serving chair.
Meanwhile, Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok will serve a third year as the Vice Chair after becoming elected by acclimation.
“It is an honour to be able to continue to serve, learn and work as part of the leadership of this organization and to support our staff and my fellow directors,” says Clovechok. “It is truly an honour to be able to serve our constituents in this role and I am grateful for the confidence and support of my fellow directors in re-electing me.”
Elections for the RDEK’s Board Chair and Vice Chair are held every year.