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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsRCMP trying to give back bikes

RCMP trying to give back bikes

The Cranbrook RCMP has been accumulating bikes over the last few months and is trying to reunite them with their owners.

“We are hoping that people are able to find serial numbers or even photos of themselves with/on their bikes so we can match them up,” says Cst Katie Forgeron.

When bikes are turned in to the RCMP, their makes, models and serial numbers are logged into a computer system.

Police said when bikes are reported stolen they will try to use the information to match it to a recovered bike.

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“Unfortunately, if community members are not reporting their bikes to the RCMP as stolen, the likelihood of us being able to return those bikes is zero,” adds Forgeron.

“Cranbrook also has an online crime reporting system where you can upload the make, model and serial number of your bike, along with a photo. We then attempt to match the bikes up from there.”

Residents can use online reporting for non-emergencies using this link.

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