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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsSparwood launches Animal Attractant Tree Replacement Grant

Sparwood launches Animal Attractant Tree Replacement Grant

In an effort to keep bears out of the community, Sparwood has begun offering assistance to people who want to replace their fruit trees.

Sparwood officials said the new Animal Attractant Tree Replacement Grant will cover $125 for each fruit tree replaced.

“If they so choose to replace a fruit-bearing tree, we will help supply the tree and put in the replacement,” said Mayor David Wilks.

The grants will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis, while funding remains.

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This is in conjunction with a similar program, run by WildSafeBC, called the Elk Valley Fruit Tree Removal Subsidy Program.

Wilks hopes that residents will take advantage of the program, as a means to help keep bears from lingering in Sparwood.

“It’s not that the trees are the only attractant that draws in bears, but the trees are one of them. If we can reduce that by a little, then we’re hoping that the bears migrating through here in the fall will move on,” said Wilks. “We don’t like seeing the bears put down, and we’re doing our part to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

You can apply for the grant by following the instruction outlined on Sparwood’s website. You can find a link below.

More: Animal Attractant Tree Replacement Grant (District of Sparwood)

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