HomeUncategorizedWinderdome Resort Inc. Windermere B.C. “Where Stillness Meets Wilderness” Uncategorized Winderdome Resort Inc. Windermere B.C. “Where Stillness Meets Wilderness” By Dennis Walker July 24, 2022 FacebookTwitterReddItWhatsAppEmail Winderdome Resort Inc. (Dennis Walker, MyEastKootenayNow.com) Dome Keeper, Debra Kotowski talks about Winderome Resorts Ice. Full conversation. https://www.myeastkootenaynow.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/WINDOME-INT.mp3 FacebookTwitterReddItWhatsAppEmail - Advertisment - - Advertisment - - Advertisment - Continue Reading East Kootenay News Wildsight raising alarm bells over aquatic health in Columbia Valley East Kootenay News Sparwood closing pool for extended repairs and maintenance East Kootenay News Toby Creek dike upgrades to disrupt park foot traffic City of Cranbrook BC Housing doing updated homelessness count in Cranbrook Columbia Valley Rockies Eddie Mountain Division Championship starts Friday Cranbrook Bucks KHA keeping kids in Cranbrook City of Fernie Fernie enters Stage 1 water restrictions City of Cranbrook City partnering with COTR for collaborative projects Load more