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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsJaffray man found deceased along Cutts Road

Jaffray man found deceased along Cutts Road

A man from Jaffray was found dead along Cutts Road after he was declared missing.

The man’s disappearance was reported to Elk Valley RCMP on Sunday, July 10th.

“We received a report that a 34-year-old Jaffray man had not been heard from since the previous day,” said Elk Valley RCMP spokesperson Cst. Debra Katerenchuk. “Efforts to locate the man were undertaken by family, friends and search and rescue.”

The tragic discovery of the man’s death was found later that day.

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“Police were asked to check on the well-being of a man who was slumped over a bench at the end of Cutts Road,” said Katerenchuk. “This man was identified as the one who had been reported as missing earlier in the day.”

Police officials said foul play has been ruled out, but the local detachment and BC Coroners Service will continue to look into his death.

“We do not suspect any criminality in his death, and we’re still moving forward with the investigation,” said Katerenchuk.

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