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More sandbag stations set up for spring melt

Self-fill sandbag stations have been set up in Cranbrook and Fernie in preparation for the spring freshet.

The spring melt was delayed due to cooler than normal temperatures, but communities are getting ready with warmer weather and rain in the forecast.

In Fernie, you can fill up sandbags near the operations facility at 1492 Railway Avenue.

In Cranbrook go to the fill station next to the public works yard on Cobham Avenue.

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The Regional District of East Kootenay encourages residents to be prepared before flooding becomes an issue.

“We encourage people to stay clear of creek banks and rivers during spring run-off and urge anyone who lives in an area prone to seasonal flooding to take steps to protect their properties,” says RDEK information officer Loree Duczek.

Stations have also been set up in Fairmont Hot Springs and in Hosmer.

MORE: RDEK sets up sandbagging stations before spring melt (May 26, 2022)

Bags will be provided at all self-fill stations, but you will need to bring your own shovel.

Check out the link below for information on proper sandbag placement.

MORE: Sandbag Information (City of Cranbrook)

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