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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsSparwood Launching Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Sparwood Launching Parks and Recreation Master Plan

The District of Sparwood is looking to gather public opinion on how to move forward with recreation in the community.

The District said it’s looking into updating their existing facilities and possibly build new ones with a defined roadmap pointing towards 2030.

“Sparwood is growing, we have a new young, vibrant community and we need to see what they want,” said David Wilks, Mayor of Sparwood.

Wilks added that the last time the recreation plan was reviewed was back in 1993.

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“I guess it was one of those things that we put on the backburner. Our recreational facilities were doing well, they were new back then, they were built in the ’80s,” said Wilks. “As they’ve started to show their age, we’ve needed to look at opportunities to improve them as well as what the community wants, as a whole, moving forward.”

Sparwood has partnered with a consultation company to manage the project, and consultations are set to begin November 4, 2019. Those consultations will include surveys, interviews, focus groups, youth workshops and drop-in community events.

The District hopes to have a complete Recreation Master Plan by May 2020.

Wilks added that public input is welcome to formulate the plan.

More: Sparwood Parks and Recreation Master Plan (District of Sparwood)

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