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Hill Road Dike Project receives approval

The Hill Road Dike Project has been approved after a two-year wait.

RDEK officials said the project will involve the installation of erosion protection for the existing dike, which was
impacted by flooding in 2013.

Construction will begin on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021 and will take approximately six weeks to complete.

“In the summer of 2019, the project was delayed as additional information was required by the DFO related to the design and potential impacts to fish habitat,” says Engineering and Water Resource Technician Kara Zandbergen.

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“We have been working with them ever since and are pleased to have received the green light to proceed.”

A new fish habitat will be constructed in the downstream Morrisey Meadows region of the Elk River to help with any potential impacts to fish.

“We have been waiting for this day for a long time and it’s great to see this important project moving forward,” says RDEK Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski.

“It will increase the safety of the residents in the Hill Road area and will ensure the dike is stronger and more resilient to future flooding events.”

RDEK officials said residents can expect increased traffic and there will be no public access to the river in the Hill Road area.

According to the RDEK, $750,000  of the $1.1 million project was provided by the Union of BC Municipalities Community Emergency Preparedness Fund.

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