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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsProvincial State of Emergency extended once again

Provincial State of Emergency extended once again

The B.C. government has once again extended the Provincial State of Emergency to help combat wildfires.

Provincial officials said the state of emergency will last until September, 14th, 2021.

“Things are trending in the right direction, but we must remain alert and aware of the fires still burning and the potential for others to start,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

“Extending this state of emergency recognizes that the potential for significant wildfire activity persists, even as the nights get longer and the days cool down a bit, so I urge British Columbians to continue to be vigilant.”

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As of the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 31, 233 wildfires were burning in B.C., with 21 evacuation orders affecting approximately 3,754 properties.

“It’s been a long and challenging summer for our crews on the front lines of this fire, and it’s not over yet,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

“Let’s help fire crews by doing our part to be fire safe and report fire activity, so we can get through the remainder of this season without any more human-caused fires.”

Provincial officials said the fire conditions may lead to severe fire behaviour and more evacuations may be imminent.

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