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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsArea Restriction around Dewar Creek fire rescinded 

Area Restriction around Dewar Creek fire rescinded 

The Area Restriction established around the Dewar Creek wildfire has been rescinded.

B.C. Wildfire Service officials said the cooler weather has made it so there is no need to restrict public access to the area.

The B.C. Wildfire Service said the public should take caution in the area and officials still have the authority under the Wildfire Act to order anyone to leave the area.

“Before entering any area affected by a wildfire, members of the public should be aware that significant safety hazards may be present,” said Wildfire Service officials.

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“Trees that have been damaged by fire might be unstable and could fall. Ash pits can be hard to detect and can remain hot long after the flames have died down.”

According to B.C. wildfire Service officials, smoke may appear from within the fire perimeter, however, smoke that rises from green, unburned fuel or from outside a fire’s perimeter should be reported.

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