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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsPlumbob fire Evacuation Alert rescinded

Plumbob fire Evacuation Alert rescinded

The Evacuation Alert for four properties near the Plumbob Mountain has been rescinded.

RDEK officials said cooler, wetter temperatures helped crews combat the blaze.

“The quick response of the BC Wildfire Service coupled with the recent change in weather worked together to bring about this great news today, we would like to extend our thanks to all those involved,” said Regional Emergency Operations Centre Information Officer Loree Duczek.

According to the RDEK, the fire has seen no growth since the cooler weather moved in and the blaze is approximately 286 hectares in size.

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There are now no Evacuation Orders or Alerts currently in place throughout the East Kootenay region.

The Area Restriction around the fire is still in effect for public safety and to provide access for fire crews.

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