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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook's walk-in-Wednesday exceeds expectations 

Cranbrook’s walk-in-Wednesday exceeds expectations 

Cranbrook’s walk-in-Wednesday vaccine clinic at Top Crop exceeded turn out expectations.

Joyce Feere, Public Health nurse said lots of people showed up to get vaccinated, as the second walk-in-Wednesday got underway on August 11th.

Feere said it was the biggest pop-up clinic they have had with 50 people getting a dose, with lots of newcomers.

She said it is important the people continue to get vaccinated. “Even though the provincial average for first dose coverage is over 80 per cent, at interior Health we are only at 74 per cent,  so we are encouraging people to be vaccinated,” added Feere.

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Feere said the event takes a lot of work to put on.

“We have some fabulous staff here at interior health. It involves admin support staff, it involves bringing all of our equipment, bringing our vaccines, 2-3 nurses and our computers. We are well equipped.”

Anyone age 12 and up are eligible for a vaccine and second doses can now be administered 28 days after a first shot.

People don’t have to wait for another pop-up clinic, Parkland Middle School is open for drop-ins Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m..

Feere said more pop-up clinics will be coming and people can check Interior Health for dates and locations.

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