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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsB.C. reduces interval between first and second vaccine dose

B.C. reduces interval between first and second vaccine dose

B.C. residents will be able to receive their second vaccine dose three weeks after their first, as provincial health officials try to stem a potential fourth wave of the virus.

The change comes after increased reports of outbreaks and infections among people with just one dose.

Data from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control said 1,079 new infections were reported in B.C. between Friday and Monday. 587 were confirmed in Interior Health, making up 54.4% of the weekend’s cases.

Provincial officials said the vaccination program will begin offering appointments to people 28 days after their first dose. Invitations for booking an appointment were sent out starting on Monday evening.

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“Receiving a second dose earlier is particularly important in high-transmission communities. The recommendation from public health for those not living or working in high-transmission communities continues to be to wait six to eight weeks after the first dose to receive the second dose,” said B.C. health officials.

This new timeframe will apply to people who received the Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccine for their first dose.

Health authorities recommend all residents get two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to help protect themselves, their loved ones and their community.

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