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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsSparwood appoints new deputy CAO and Director of Community Services

Sparwood appoints new deputy CAO and Director of Community Services

The District of Sparwood has added a new member to its senior management team with a new Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Director of Community Services.

District officials said Lyle Hannan, the current Director of Corporate Services, has been appointed as the new Deputy CAO and will transition away from his current role and into the newly vacant Director of Community Services.

Hannan has been with the District for over a year and has been involved in a number of Sparwood’s projects.

“It has been a great pleasure to see many of the strategic priorities and important projects, such as the Multi-Purpose Facility, Centennial Square and the redevelopment of Fire Hall #2, come forward to Council and gain endorsement. I look forward to continuing to assist with these projects and build upon the strong recreational foundation within the Director of Community Services position,” said Hannan.

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Hannan brings experience as a CAO as well as overseeing municipal recreation departments.

“Lyle will bring a depth of knowledge to the role of Deputy CAO and Director of Community Services as his background and experience align perfectly with the duties and responsibilities of these positions. Mayor and Council are pleased to have succession planning for the CAO, as well as a high level of support for departments to carry out projects and strategic priorities,” said Mayor David Wilks.

Sparwood’s current CAO, Michele Schalekamp, said she is excited to have Hannan on board.

“Lyle has been instrumental in providing direction and support to the team at the District of Sparwood. His ability to manage multiple projects and priorities as well as provide high-level oversight relating to legislation, policy and many other corporate and municipal functions will serve the District well as he fills these roles,” said Schalekamp.

Hannan’s assignment to a new role was part of a cost-neutral restructuring of Sparwood’s management team. This shuffling brought in a newly named Manager of Corporate Services role, an upgraded Manager of HR and Communications role and an upcoming Executive Assistant, Corporate Services position.

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