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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsRDEK urges residents to reduce water consumption

RDEK urges residents to reduce water consumption

The Regional District of East Kootenay is asking residents in the East Side Water Service Area not to water their lawns for the next week to 10 days.

“We are looking to the community to help ensure we can maintain water service by reducing all unnecessary water use, including watering of lawns,” said RDEK Engineering Services Manager, Brian Funke. “Anyone wishing to water gardens and plants is asked to water only on their designated days, and minimize the amount of time they water for.”

With the heatwave continuing, RDEK officials said the water demand has skyrocketed over the last week.

“Between Friday night and Sunday morning, water consumption in the East Side Service area more than doubled and continues to be very high,” explained Funke. “When you have huge peaks like this, it puts an incredible strain on the system and makes it very difficult for the water treatment plant to keep up.”

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Although the measures are supposed to lift in about 10 days, RDEK officials said more restrictions could be added as a hot, dry summer is predicted.

The East Side Water Service Area includes Windermere, Timber Ridge, Timber Heights, Baltac, Akiskinook, Calberley Beach, Swansea, Pedley Heights, and East Side.

The City of Cranbrook also said restrictions may be put in place later this summer, but residents will still be able to water their lawns for now.

City officials said the Phillips Reservoir is still at capacity, so no further restrictions are needed at this time.

However, city officials are asking residents to keep watering only on their allowed days so there is no extra strain on the reservoir.

Even-numbered properties can water Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, while odd-numbered properties can water on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Watering times are from 4 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

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