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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCollege of the Rockies exceeds fundraising goal for Trail Enhancement Project

College of the Rockies exceeds fundraising goal for Trail Enhancement Project

The College of the Rockies is planning to rejuvenate the surrounding multi-use trails on College land.

College officials said they launched a fundraiser for the Trail Enhancement Project back on December 1st, 2020 with a goal of $100,000. The College has now exceeded that goal with 105 donations and a grand total of $130,751.

According to college officials, 100% of the proceeds will go towards materials, features, and construction of the trails.

The College partnered with the Wildhorse Cycling Club and the Cranbrook Community Forest Society to develop new trails and improvements to pre-existing ones in the area.

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“Trails are an important community asset. Like many other recreation facilities they provide the local population with access to outdoor experiences and outlets for physical activity that have measurable impacts on health and wellness,” said Ryan Hamilton, President of Wildhorse Cycling Club. “Due to many societal factors, trail-based recreation is growing ever more popular. The recreational opportunities that are literally at the College’s doorstep are a bonus selling feature that the College and our community can be proud of and promote. Wildhorse Cycling Club is in full support of this project and we encourage people to contribute to the campaign

According to college officials, the project will include the creation of a College of the Rockies trailhead with improved signage and a bike wash station. Other changes will include a multi-use track with benches, a mountain bike trail with berms, technical features and ride around options and the planting of additional native plants.

College officials said even though the fundraiser is complete, they are still taking donations to go towards future improvements and ongoing trail maintenance.

Work on the project is expected to begin this fall.

**Story by Josiah Spyker**

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