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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook Bucks hosting rookie camp in August

Cranbrook Bucks hosting rookie camp in August

The Cranbrook Bucks are hosting their second annual rookie camp from August 30th to September 2nd.

Team officials said the camp will be for players born between 2002-2006 to try to earn a roster spot with the Bucks or a spot with one of the team’s affiliates.

Players trying out will be evaluated by the Bucks coaching staff in a series of games, practices and off-ice activities.

According to Cranbrook Bucks officials, 40 players tried out in the rookie camp last year with seven players earning roster spots and four others earning affiliate positions. The seven players who earned a roster spot were Quaid Anderson, Cam Reid, Nathan Fox, Jarrod Smith, Hayden Gelbard, Tyson Dyck and Cameron Kungle.

Players can attend the camp by invite or accepted application only.

MORE: Rookie camp application (Cranbrook Bucks)

**Story by Josiah Spyker**

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