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Property tax notices mailed to Cranbrook homeowners

Municipal taxes are due Friday, July 2, 2021.

The City of Cranbrook said they have mailed tax notices to all property owners on record. If a home hasn’t received their notice by the first week of June, they are asked to contact Cranbrook City Hall at (250) 489-0233 to get a copy.

With taxes due July 2nd for all properties, the City said a 10% penalty will be added to any unpaid current taxes.

“Homeowner Grants may be claimed even if current taxes are not paid in full,” said the City of Cranbrook. “Penalties apply to Homeowner Grants not claimed by July 2, 2021.”

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The 2021 Homeowner Grants are no longer being claimed at City Hall, but are being routed through the B.C. Government. The shift was made by the Province earlier this year.

PREVIOUS: B.C. looks to streamline Homeowner Grant process (March 2, 2021)

MORE: Homeowner Grant Applications (B.C. Government)

Although City Hall is open to the public, staff are only allowing two people inside at a time to follow physical distancing regulations.

“Property owners are asked to line up outside City Hall in the designated area. A staff member will be available outside City Hall at the main doors to assist property owners.”

For anyone who is paying their taxes at Cranbrook City Hall, non-cash payments are preferred by the City, as staff will accept post-dated cheques, as well as payment by debit card or credit card. However, a 2.4% convenience fee is applied to all credit card payments. Any cheques should be made payable to the City of Cranbrook.

While property owners can pay in-person, payment can also be made over the phone and through online banking. The City said residents will still have to claim the Homeowner Grant before using those other payment methods.

“The City of Cranbrook now offers an online payment portal where you can register to receive notifications when bills are ready for viewing. You can view account balances and make payments using your credit card.”

Information on the payment portal is available at the City of Cranbrook’s website.

PREVIOUS: Cranbrook City Council approves 2.35% tax increase (May 10, 2021)

Residents may also choose to pre-pay their 2022 property taxes.

Based on an estimate, the City said some properties may still have a balance owing, with payments being pulled monthly on the 15th of every month.

“To avoid a penalty, please review your Tax Notice carefully and make sure you pay any outstanding balance prior to July 2, 2021,” said the City of Cranbrook. “The prepayment amount on your tax notice includes the June 15th payment.”

Any overpayment from 2021 will be forwarded and applied to the first payments in 2022.

The City of Cranbrook said anyone that would like to enroll in the pre-authorized payment plans for municipal taxes will need to apply. They can do so by contacting the City’s Finance Department at 250-489-0233.

Some homeowners can also apply to have their property taxes deferred.

According to the City, two tax deferment programs are available to residents, either the regular program or another for families with children.

  • Regular Deferment Program
    • Requirements:
      • 55 years or older, or widow/widower, or a person with a disability as defined by Regulation; and
      • 25% equity position in your home (based on the 2021 BC Assessment property value)
  • Families with Children Deferment Program
    • Requirements:
      • Sign a declaration that you are financially supporting a child under the age of 18 at any time during the calendar year; and
      • 15% equity position in your home (based on the 2021 BC Assessment property value)

Anyone seeking one of the tax deferment programs will have to pay any and all outstanding penalties or interest on their previous tax years, as well as utility charges. The City of Cranbrook said those charges cannot be deferred by the Province.

MORE: Property Tax Deferment (B.C. Government)

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