New COVID-19 data released by the B.C. Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) shows more granular information, including local positivity rates and vaccine coverage for each of the province’s health areas.
In the East Kootenay, new case numbers from May 2nd to 8th break down as follows:
- Golden: 12
- Cranbrook: 7
- Windermere: 6
- Creston: 6
- Fernie: 5
- Kimberley: 0
The new, more granular information has a slightly different reporting time frame, ranging from May 4th to 10th.
Positive test rates
According to BCCDC data, per 100,000 population, most of the region had average daily cases between 5.1 and 10, with the exception of Cranbrook, Kimberley and Golden. As Kimberley has seen no new cases, that rate is zero. Meanwhile, in the Cranbrook area, it has seen a daily average between 0.1 and five, while Golden has a range between 10.1 and 20.
Positive test rates through the region follow, areas with at least a 3% increase or decrease in the week over week rates will be noted:
- Fernie: 5.1% to 10% (increase)
- Creston: 5.1% to 10% (increase)
- Golden: 5.1% to 10% (decrease)
- Windermere: 3.1% to 5% (increase)
- Cranbrook: 1.1% to 2%
- Kimberley: 0%
Vaccine rates
The new data released also goes into detail regarding vaccine coverage across the province. In the East Kootenay, between 41% and 60% of adults over 18 have had their first dose across most of the region, except for the Fernie and Windermere areas.
According to the BCCDC, Fernie has a slightly lower vaccination rate, ranging between 21% to 40%, while Windermere has the highest in the region, with rates between 61% to 80%.
Rates in those 55 years old and up are higher across the East Kootenay, with 61% to 80% of the age group receiving their first dose through most of the region. Windermere’s rate is slightly higher, however, at 80% or higher.
More: B.C. COVID-19 data (BCCDC)