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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCity Council orders old Kootenay Springs buildings either be demolished or remediated

City Council orders old Kootenay Springs buildings either be demolished or remediated

A Remedial Action Order was given by Cranbrook City Council to Knox Water Company to either clean up and make the buildings safe or demolish the building within 90 days.

The former Kootenay Springs building is located at 120 – 6th Street North near the rail crossing and just off of Highway 3.

A structure fire occurred at the site back on October 17, 2020. Cranbrook firefighters believed the fire was human-caused. They collected photos of the scene, showing the unsafe condition of the building’s interior and exterior.

PREVIOUS: Fire at old Kootenay Springs Water building in Cranbrook under investigation (Oct. 18, 2020)

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A Cranbrook firefighter accesses the top level of the old Kootenay Springs Water building along 6th Street North, which broke into flames Saturday evening, October 17, 2020. (Supplied by Chad St. Pierre)

“Staff are recommending that the owner obtain a report from an accredited structural engineer to confirm whether the building can be remediated and that steps taken to address the hazardous conditions and unsightliness of the buildings and property are addressed,” said the City of Cranbrook. “Evidence of homeless people accessing the buildings exist, posing a tremendous liability to the City should the buildings or portions thereof collapse and cause serious injury or death.”

Cranbrook firefighters responding to the fire at the old Kootenay Springs Water building on Saturday, October 17, 2020 along Cranbrook’s 6th Street North. (Supplied by Chad St. Pierre)

The buildings were originally constructed between 1946 and 1950, while the business license for Kootenay Springs expired back in 2005. Since then, the buildings have remained untouched, save for last October’s fire.

The Remedial Action Order gives Knox Water Company 30 days to submit a demolition permit with the City of Cranbrook and have the building demolished within 90 days. However, Knox Water Company can also submit a report from an accredited structural engineer within 30 days to determine if the main building can be safely remediated. If that’s the case, the buildings have to be remediated within 90 days or demolished.

A remediation plan would also require the buildings to be cleared of any graffiti, that any and all combustible materials such as wood or garbage be cleaned up, and that all entrances be securely boarded, locked, and closed.

MORE: Remedial Action Order – Knox Water Company (City of Cranbrook)

The old Kootenay Springs Building in Cranbrook pictured March 1st, 2021. (Supplied by City of Cranbrook)
The collapsed roof of the old Kootenay Springs Building in Cranbrook pictured October 18, 2020. (Supplied by City of Cranbrook)
The interior of the old Kootenay Springs Building in Cranbrook pictured March 30th, 2021. (Supplied by City of Cranbrook)
The interior of the old Kootenay Springs Building in Cranbrook pictured March 30th, 2021. (Supplied by City of Cranbrook)
The interior of the old Kootenay Springs Building in Cranbrook pictured March 30th, 2021. (Supplied by City of Cranbrook)
The interior of the old Kootenay Springs Building in Cranbrook pictured March 30th, 2021. (Supplied by City of Cranbrook)
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