BC Hydro has managed to fully restore power in Invermere.
After their investigation, it was determined that a bird came into contact with a power line, knocking out power to over 1,700 properties in the community.
Power was fully restored around 2:15 pm after the necessary repairs.

More than 1,000 properties are currently affected by a power outage in Invermere.
According to BC Hydro, the power went out around 8:36 am on Saturday.
BC Hydro said the outage is caused by an “object” on their wires.
At the time of the outage, Invermere Fire Rescue said it would be approximately four hours until power is fully restored. BC Hydro crews and Invermere firefighters are at the scene.
BC Hydro believes power should be fully restored around 12:30 pm, if not sooner.