School District 5 celebrated the grand opening of its new Kootenay Learning Campus in Fernie on Tuesday, after completing approximately $1.9 million in upgrades and renovations to the facility.
All major players in School District 5 were in attendance including Silke Yardley, SD5 Superintendent; Alan Rice, Secretary-Treasurer; Frank Lento, SD5 Board Chair and District Administrators.
“The campus will provide an educational edge for student and adult learners of all ages in our District,” said Lento.
The Kootenay Learning Campus is located in an office at 802 Victoria Avenue, originally built in 1965 but upgrade through the $1.9 million in renovations to fully utilize the space, and create a modern learning facility.
Lento said the guidance and direction of architect Catherine Chernoff have the Kootenay Learning Campus not only respecting the City of Fernie’s Official Community Plan, but including a unique outdoor patio gathering space, and an inviting and welcoming central entrance. The Kootenay Learning Campus features 6,000 square feet including individual learning areas, co-worker meeting and seminar rooms, in-service training and professional development spaces, along with a 45-seat presentation theatre.
“SD5 is excited and pleased to offer a learning campus where learners of all ages, throughout the District, will have additional opportunities to experience success and keep improving at their own rate”, said Lento. “With the support of a committed team of professionals, the Kootenay Learning Campus will be a vibrant learning village for individuals to pursue and achieve their personal educational goals.”