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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsWind-driven grass fire in Hosmer area quickly contained

Wind-driven grass fire in Hosmer area quickly contained

Members of the Hosmer Fire Department were able to contain a quickly spreading grass fire on Friday afternoon.

“When we arrived on scene, the fire had spread from a burn pit into the grass and was being driven by strong winds. Our crew did an excellent job of getting it contained before it spread any futher,” said Dave Boreen, Elk Valley & South Country Rural Fire & Rescue Services Chief.

The Regional District of East Kootenay said six firefighters responded to the scene, and no structures were impacted by the flames.

While open burning is currently permitted, Boreen said Friday’s fire is a reminder of how quickly things can change.

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“Conditions are very dry right now. Before doing any burning, people should check with the BC Wildfire Service ensure there are no restrictions in place; monitor the weather and avoid burning if there is wind in the forecast; have a good water source and the proper tools on hand; monitor the fire at all times, ensuring it is not left unattended; and, fully extinguish it so that it is cool to touch before leaving the site.”

The fire is estimated to be 0.18 hectares in size. The RDEK said it is contained, but crew members will remain on the scene through the afternoon to put a guard around the fire’s perimeter.

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