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Two-Year Action Plan unveiled by College of the Rockies

The College of the Rockies has released its Two-Year Action Plan, aimed at working with local communities through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

“The post-COVID world will be a transformed one, and it will bring both challenges and opportunities to our region. The College is positioning itself to meet a growing demand for skilled workers and support innovation in our workplaces,” said College President Paul Vogt.

The College said it usually sets out its plan in five-year increments, but opted for a shorter term this time.

“We thought it best to concentrate on the next critical two years, committing to actions that are concrete and doable and will propel our communities forward,” said the College.

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It added that the plan focuses on three pillars, which the College has dubbed Ready, Set, Go.

“Being ready for continuous change and the ‘next’ normal (Ready), anticipating and addressing the needs of students (Set), and serving as the educational leader in the region (Go),” explained the college.

This plan was formed based on feedback from more than 100 regional stakeholders. The College said the response has made it clear that trends underway before the COVID-19 pandemic have been accelerated, with more changes anticipated in the years ahead.

It added that employers project a growing demand for skilled tradespeople and employees in the IT, health, and early childhood education sectors. Responses also project a strong rebound in the tourism and hospitality sector once restrictions are lifted.

“College of the Rockies’ role, as the principal provider of career education and job skills for our region, is as important as ever,” said Vogt. “How we plan for tomorrow, along with our own ability to provide responsive and innovative programming, are critical to the success of the students and employers we serve. We don’t see this action plan as a wish list, it is a clear ‘to-do’ list as we move forward.”

The college is in the process of presenting the Two-Year Action Plan across the region, taking place at upcoming municipal council and chamber of commerce meetings.

More: Two-Year Action Plan (College of the Rockies)

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