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Overdose alert issued for Cranbrook

Interior Health has issued an overdose alert for Cranbrook following increased reports around the community.

The health authority said the alert was issued after it has seen increased 911 calls, BC Ambulance attended calls and a surge in service provider overdose response.

Interior Health said residents should not use drugs alone, or download the Lifeguard app, which can connect users with emergency responders in the event of an overdose.

Drug users are also advised to get their supply checked at a local organization.

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Ankors, East Kootenay Addiction Service Society, the East Kootenay Regional Hospital and Interior Health’s Mental Health and Substance USe Service all offer drug checking.

Additionally, Ankors recommends having a Naloxone kit on hand in the event of an overdose.

The alert will remain in effect until Friday, April 30th.

(Supplied by Interior Health)
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