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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCanada secures millions of COVID-19 boosters

Canada secures millions of COVID-19 boosters

Canada has secured more Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for the years ahead.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the vaccines have been secured for 2022 and 2023 with options to extend into 2024. Trudeau said the agreement guarantees access to 65-million doses and, if all options are exercised, up to 120-million doses.

Meanwhile, Trudeau said the federal government is working to send support to Ontario as soon as possible.

He says 100 healthcare professionals have been identified. They can be deployed rapidly from federal departments to help where they are needed most.

Trudeau also reminded Canadians it’s important to reduce their contacts and the fewer people we are in contact with the faster the third wave of the virus will be over.

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