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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsOpen House Wednesday for Radium Intersection Improvements

Open House Wednesday for Radium Intersection Improvements

The B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is hosting an open house for the public on Wednesday so they can provide their input on improvements to the Highway 93/95 intersection in Radium Hot Springs.

The open house is scheduled for from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Radium Hot Springs Centre, officially located at 4865 Stanley Street.

Current plans for the congested Highway 93/95 intersection are to convert the existing four-way stop into a traffic circle.

“Replacing the intersection with a roundabout will keep traffic moving, which will be better for the community,” said Claire Trevena, B.C.’s Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.

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Cost-sharing the intersection improvements with the federal government, the B.C. Government is pitching in $7.1 million to complete the improvements to the Highway 93/95 intersection following consultation with the public.

Design for the project will be finalized following the open house, as the B.C. Government hopes to have the project out to tender by early 2020 so that construction could begin by next spring and be completed by fall or winter 2020.

Staff from the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will be on hand in Radium Hot Springs for Wednesday’s open house to answer any and all questions from the public.

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