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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook pre-approves $5.17-million for dedicated road work

Cranbrook pre-approves $5.17-million for dedicated road work

The 2021 Capital Works program has been given pre-approval by Cranbrook City Council, greenlighting a variety of road improvement programs at an estimated $5.17-million.

The Capital Works program is mostly funded through the City’s 1% dedicated road tax and has been Cranbrook’s main road improvement program for the past number of years.

Public Works submitted the 2021 projects for Council’s consideration which includes the following improvements:

  • 2A Avenue –12th Street South and 14th Street South
    • Road and Watermain Reconstruction & Street Light upgrades
  • Innes Avenue – 8th Street South to 11th Street South
    • Road, Sidewalk and Drainage Improvements
  • Alley East of 16th Ave – 2nd Street South to 4th Street South
    • Watermain Reconstruction
  • 1A Street Creek Rehabilitation – 15 Avenue and 1A Street South
    • Creek Channel Upgrades
  • Sewer CIPP Relining
    • Various Locations
  • Paving Program
    • Various Locations

While the pre-approval request is for $5.17-million, the projects are still subject to final budgeting, pricing, and resources.

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“Pre-approval of these funds allows staff to continue to moving forward with the planned 2021 projects such that designs can be complete and tenders can be out early in 2021, which leads to advantageous pricing and early start and completion of projects,” said the City of Cranbrook. “The proposed projects utilizing this funding are identified through our Asset Management policy and framework.”

The budgeted $5.17-million includes $2.68-million from the dedicated road tax, $2.1-million from general tax, gas tax, and water and sewer user fees. The remaining funding includes nearly $362,000 from organizations and close to $29,000 from reserves.

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