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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsVirtual Town Hall exploring feasibility of low head dam across Koocanusa Reservoir

Virtual Town Hall exploring feasibility of low head dam across Koocanusa Reservoir

Public concerns about low water levels at Koocanusa could eventually be resolved, as the B.C. Government is set to share their Koocanusa Weir Feasibility Study on Tuesday.

A Virtual Town Hall is being held by the Province over Zoom from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm MST to discuss the feasibility of a low head dam, the potential cost, benefits and impacts, and anything else related to building a weir across the Koocanusa Reservoir on the Canadian side.

Last week, the B.C. Government released a report, Lake Koocanusa: High Level Assessment of a Proposed Dam to explore the possibility of a weir.

“The report was commissioned by the Province in response to calls from some local residents to construct a weir across Koocanusa Reservoir, which spans the B.C.-Montana border south of Jaffray,” said the B.C. Government. “The suggestion came as a result of ongoing concerns about summer changes to Koocanusa water levels and their impact on recreation on the Canadian side of the reservoir.”

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Tuesday’s Virtual Town Hall is intended to seek feedback from the public and share the results of the study.

Preliminary figures peg the weir at costing as low at $80-million but could cost up to a maximum of $1.1-billion depending on the measures taken. Estimates for the project are most likely to fall around $400-million with annual operation and maintenance varying between $560,000 to $1.4-million.

Below is the full meeting details for the Town Hall.

  • Platform
    • Zoom
  • Date & Time
    • Tuesday, January 12, 2021
    • 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (MT)
  • Zoom Link
    • https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/64627363110
  • Meeting ID
    • 646 2736 3110
  • Phone-in
    • 1-833-955-1088

MORE: Koocanusa Weir Feasibility Study and Virtual Town Hall (B.C. Government)

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