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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsControlled Burns Planned North of Fernie

Controlled Burns Planned North of Fernie

The BC Wildfire Service will be undertaking a series of controlled burns in the Sulpher Creek area, about 18 kilometres north of Fernie.

Looking to enhance wildlife habitat for ungulate species like mule deer and moose, the BC Wildfire Service will be reducing forest fuels to decrease wildfire risks

“The three adjacent burn units will cover slightly more than 500 hectares in the Bull River drainage area,” said the BC Wildfire Service. “Smoke from the fires may be visible in surrounding areas over the next few weeks as the burn objectives are met, especially between Fernie and Sparwood.”

The controlled burns are scheduled between Wednesday, August 28, 2019, to mid-September 2019, although the exact timing of when the fires will be ignited remains dependent on conditions at the site and the weather.

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“They will only be ignited if site and burning conditions are favourable,” said the BC Wildfire Service. “Trained firefighters will ensure that the fires remain within predetermined boundaries.”

According to the BC Wildfire Service, the Sulphur Creek area is an important wildlife habitat because of its lack of resource development and its relatively remote location.

“Historically, the area contained more open forests because of more frequent, low-intensity fires that occurred naturally. This summer’s controlled burns will encourage new growth and improve wildlife habitat.”

The prescribed burning project is funded through the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program.

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