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Town confirms COVID-19 in Creston

More than one case of COVID-19 is active in the Creston Valley.

The Town of Creston’s Emergency Operations Centre confirmed the positive cases but could not provide exactly how many cases there are.

“Through contact tracing, the Emergency Operations Centre can confirm that there are ‘one plus’ test positive cases of COVID-19 here in the Town of Creston”, said Jared Riel, Emergency Operations Centre Director. “We are aware that Interior Health has done extensive contact tracing, and all contacts are now in self-isolation. If you display any symptoms of fatigue, fever, sore throat or cough, please arrange to get tested as soon as possible.”

Riel said new measures are in place at Town Hall to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and to protect their staff.

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“A mask is mandatory,” confirmed Riel. “We put signage up today (Tuesday) and we are providing masks for people if they do not have one.”

As for local businesses and their own mask policies, Riel iterated that the Town does not have a mandate for masks, as that is solely the jurisdiction of the Province.

“The Provincial Health Officer is saying masks are highly recommended in public buildings, inside, that kind of stuff. We support that message and we want to educate the public on that,” added Riel. “The Town has not and cannot create any kind of orders. The orders and recommendations are coming from the Province and the Provincial Health Officer.”

In the Town’s November 10th press release, Mayor Ron Toyota called for the community to, “be supportive of one another, and take good care of ourselves and each other.”

“The confirmation of test-positive cases in Creston serves as a reminder that this virus is a reality, and now, more than ever, we need to ensure that we are all doing our part to stop the spread of  COVID-19,” said Toyota. “This means staying home when we are not feeling well, washing our hands with soap and water often, maintaining physical distancing of 2 metres or 6 feet with  members outside of our households, and taking other preventative measures such as wearing a  mask in public spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained.”

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