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Sparwood’s Recreation Master Plan opens for public comment

The District of Sparwood is seeking public insight on the final draft of its Recreation Master Plan.

Sparwood said the project was initially launched last year, with the intent to identify gaps, needs and interests in the community’s recreation.

“Over the past year, consultants undertook a detailed review of the state of recreation in Sparwood, including extensive public consultation in the development of a customized plan for Sparwood,” said the District.

Now that the plan is in the final stages, local residents can contribute their thoughts on the findings and recommendations.

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Before a decision is made by Council, it needs to know if locals feel the plan takes the community in the right direction.

“This is the community’s opportunity to tell us if we are on the mark or need to make revisions,” said Mayor David Wilks. “We feel confident in what we heard from the public through this process, now we are asking if we got it right, and the level of community support on the potential financial implications on some of the bigger recommendations.”

Sparwood said opportunities for engagement will come up through virtual open houses, electronic and paper surveys, a display in the Greenwood Mall and direct outreach through District staff.

Information about specific dates will be posted on Sparwood’s official Facebook page as it becomes available.

More: Sparwood Recreation Master Plan (District of Sparwood)

Previous: Sparwood Launching Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Oct. 15, 2019)

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