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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsInvermere opens survey for Athalmer Neighbourhood Plan following open house

Invermere opens survey for Athalmer Neighbourhood Plan following open house

Following Tuesday’s open house, the District of Invermere has launched an online survey for residents to give feedback about the Athalmer Neighbourhood Plan.

The District said the plan will provide an outline for future development of the area which includes the Lake Windermere Resort Lands which were purchased in 2019.

Planning will result in a detailed look at what community development may look like in the future.

Details about proposed land use, transportation upgrades, housing types, servicing, pathways and park spaces and stormwater management are some of the topics that will be included in the plan.

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All of the information on display at the open house is available here.

Invermere said its survey will be available online until 5 p.m. on November 17th.

More: Athalmer Neighbourhood Plan Survey (District of Invermere)

Previous: Invermere extends public survey on Athalmer Neighbourhood Plan (June 8, 2020)

More: Athalmer Neighbourhood Plan (District of Invermere)

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