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Cranbrook City Council approves new solid waste and recycling bylaw for curbside collection

Curbside recycling in Cranbrook is one step closer to reality following City Council’s adoption of a new Solid Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal Bylaw

City Council adopted the new bylaw in order to meet the required legislation and guidelines for Recycle BC’s Curbside Collection Program. Back in July, Cranbrook entered into an agreement with Recycle BC to offer the program as early as spring 2021.

PREVIOUS: Cranbrook approves agreement with Recycle BC to start curbside program (July 14, 2020)

The new bylaw includes several additions and changes from the now-repealed bylaw, including:

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  • Eligibility of Dwelling Units for curbside recycling collection
  • Identification of acceptable and unacceptable materials for recycling collection
  • Requirements for recycling carts, including size and pickup location
  • Eligible exemptions for curbside recycling collection
  • Fees for replacement of a cart if it’s damaged or stolen, due to the neglect of the owner/occupant

Single-family dwellings and duplexes, apartment buildings with six or fewer dwellings, and condominiums backing onto a public street are all eligible to receive the recycling carts as part of the program.

The RDEK provided $691,641 to Cranbrook to help with start-up costs to purchase the carts. The money will be used to purchase 6,231 carts over the next five years.

PREVIOUS: RDEK voices support for Cranbrook’s new curbside recycling program (July 9, 2020)

Curbside recycling could come to Cranbrook as early as spring 2021 following the bylaw’s approval, with further public consultation still to be done.

MORE: Solid Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal Bylaw 2020 (City of Cranbrook)

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