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B.C. Liberals disappointed in general election declaration

B.C. Liberal party leader, Andrew Wilkinson expressed his disappointment in the NDP’s call for a general election, while saying his party will give the election its best effort.

On Monday, Wilkinson said the NDP “chose politics over people” when the announcement of a general election was made earlier that day.

“For no good reason whatsoever, we’re now being forced into a general election nobody in B.C. wants except for the NDP,” said Wilkinson. “Think about why we’re having this general election, it’s not necessary. The goal for the NDP is to secure their own employment. We’ve got a government that is cynical enough to put us into an election in the middle of a pandemic.”

While Wilkinson expressed his disappointment in the timing of the election, he said his party is ready for the occasion with a new platform.

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“It’s going to be a bold plan, and it’s going to be exciting because we want to be the party that you choose to make B.C. a better place,” said Wilkinson. “We’re in turbulent times, everyone knows that. We need to help and support each other, we need to work on this together. This is not a time for cynical politics of division.”

Earlier on Monday, the general election was announced by the NDP, with voting day scheduled for October 24th.

More: B.C. general election called for October 24th (Sept 21, 2020)

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