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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsInterior Heath launches School Exposures website

Interior Heath launches School Exposures website

The School Exposures website outlines which schools have a COVID-19 case, organized by each school district.

It may be accesses via this Interior Health (IH) link:

Information provided by IH and the school districts include what will happen if a student or teacher receives a positive COVID-19 test result. However, the online resource will not reveal the identity, age, cohort or class of the student or staff member.

So far one case at Stanley Humphries Secondary School in Castlegar, B.C has been confirmed and recorded. Following the guidelines set by the B.C. Provincial Health Officer, the individual was advised to self isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days after the September 11, 2020 positive test result.

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According to IH, “When a case of COVID-19 is confirmed, IH public health will work quickly to determine close contacts, and will make direct contact with parents or guardians of students who are considered to be at risk.”

IH also reiterated that a  “school exposure notification” does not mean all students at the school have been exposed to COVID-19.

If a parent does not receive a notification from IH, their child should continue to attend school.




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