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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook RCMP Investigate Thefts, Break and Enters

Cranbrook RCMP Investigate Thefts, Break and Enters

Cranbrook RCMP had a busy week of work last week, responding to 195 total calls up until last Sunday.

However, police statistics show that many of those did not involve matters of serious crime, as 13 calls were false alarms or improper use of 911

Police dealt with five collisions, four of which were inside Cranbrook city limits. As well, RCMP charged one person with impaired driving and investigated 25 total driving complaints.

Mounties are also investigating 11 cases of theft, six of which were from a motor vehicle.

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Four break and enters kept RCMP busy as well as they investigate further into those incidents, all of which were into businesses.

Lastly, Cranbrook RCMP also made one drug seizure.

All of the reported incidents were between August 5, 2019, and August 11, 2019.

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