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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsLandline telephone service disrupted in Elkford

Landline telephone service disrupted in Elkford

Both Elkford Fire Rescue and Interior Health are warning of interruptions to telephone landlines, potentially impeding emergency calls to 911.

Elkford Fire Rescue said the telephone landlines are potentially non-functional.

“This may impede calling for 9-1-1 directly from your landline,” said Elkford Fire Rescue on Facebook. “For those affected, you may have to contact 9-1-1 using a cellular telephone.”

Meanwhile, Interior Health said wildfire activity is interrupting Telus telephone service to the Elkford Health Centre.

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“Calls to the main number (250-865-2247) are being redirected to a working line, but all other direct lines will not be operational until full service is restored,” said Interior Health. “The centre is working with only one phone line so please be patient if you get a busy signal. Continue to call back until you are able to get through.”

Both Elkford Fire Rescue and Interior Health said Telus has been notified of the phone issue, but there is no update from Telus as to when service may be restored.

ALSO: Fire causes Telus service outage in Invermere (August 20, 2020)

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